It’s So Close, I can Almost Feel Its Rancid Breath …

Yes, soon you’ll be able to download more than three hours of Canto magic from this very site!I met my computer expert friend yesterday behind the third toilet from the left, and handed over the

PODCAST!!!! Warning: Contains Interview With Longhair!

Friday I went to Victoria Park to see what the people are against this year. Many of them were very against Stephen Lam (林瑞麟)Lam Seui Leun, who they called a (something) dog. Not running dog,

Imperialistic Shit-Language

There is something about the internet that brings out the worst in people, like road rage. But also, of course, the best. People become so kind on behalf of others, on the internet. Last week,

Naked Cantonese Is No More

                It is with great sadness I must inform our irate but faithful listeners that Poddie Castie number 200 is soon coming up, and that it will herald

A Pox on Sunny Vision and all their Descendants

I was hoping I’d never have to write this (again) but here it is: My blog has disappeared from view, and it’s SO not my fault. I was a customer of theirs for 3

New Podcast: TRAINCAST

Ah-Laan and I were on a train the other day, playing cards with dudes. Suddenly we were talking some seriously bad language … Outcast 2. Traincast

AT LAST! Mac has joined the normal world

Joy to the world, my life is complete. For ages I’ve been writing Chinese characters in the worst way invented by man; by typing the words in pinyin, in other words Mandarin, imperialist communist speech-language.